

Friday, February 25, 2011

World Corrupting JP Morgue Whore Outed

I never heard of her until a couple of weeks ago, but thanks to the escalating battle over the suppression of the prices of the precious metals and manipulation of that market primarily through the naked shorting of the metals through unbacked paper derivatives, many of us have come to know the name of Blythe Masters who is presently being assailed, excoriated and generally vilified across the various metals sites across the net. As current head of global commodities for JP Morgan Chase, Masters is now coming to be known for the creation of the dreadful financial instruments known as derivatives apparently at the core of the global economic meltdown. With its astounding exposure to some 90 trillion dollars in derivatives largely based on its takeover of the defunct Bear Stearns silver derivative positions, the JP Morgue is one of the biggest of the TBTF, along with that other insolvent zombie, the Bank Of America, the looming and inevitable collapses of which will drag the world economy into oblivion. http://kushmonster.blogspot.com/2010/03/in-article-posted-march-18-2010-on.html So along with Turd Ferguson, Jesse, Max Keiser, Zerohedge, and the rest, we salute the evil eminence and present face of catastrophic greed, insensible, insatiable self interest and rapacious avarice in this revenant from the dark side.


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