

Friday, April 19, 2013

Apparent Missile Strike on West, Texas Fertilizer Plant. Martial Law in Boston.

Of all the extraordinary events transpiring this past week, we find this video of the incredible explosion at the West, Texas fertilizer plant the most troubling. What we are apparently witnessing herein is the evidence of some extraneous agency, perhaps a missile or even more incredibly some directed energy weapon searing across the sky and impacting the plant creating the massive explosion which leveled the plant and destroyed a considerable amount of the town of 2600 near Waco. Coming so close to the present anniversary of the Waco massacre and hard on the heels of the false flag attack at the Boston Marathon which has resulted in a defacto declaration of martial law in the city and surrounding area, we are wondering, along with many others undoubtedly, whether these events mark a phase transition towards the establishment of our inevitable police state military occupation especially with such  coordinated and devastating government sponsored terror attacks on the citizenry.

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