

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Devil In Libya

In response to your question as to why the flag of the so called Al Qaeda is now flying over Benghazi, I have only the following to offer. This opinion has been expanded and elucidated in older posts throughout this site.
Ever since the dismemberment of the Caliphate following WWII and the establishment of the Sykes-Picot agreement which eventually led to the creation of the Zionist entity in Palestine, British foreign intelligence MI6 has been active in the creation of the so called Muslim Brotherhood. It is a documented fact that Hamas itself is a creation of Mossad. The creation of enemies, false flag provocateurs, and the machinations of the various infernal secret societies have long been at the covert center of exoteric histories. Now that the veil is being drawn back revealing at least to some the devious blueprints as described in such documents as Zbigniew Brzezinski’s “The Grand Chessboard,” there is a growing awareness gratuitously provided by those same social and political controllers of the plans for the global elitist agendas. The colossal atrocities taking place Libya and across North Africa and the Middle East are notable not only for their brutal, insensible and blind cruelty, but for the transparent and bold nature of the escalating plans for the Brave New World Order of the Anglo European supernumeraries of these esoteric cabals. The present convulsions of the world economic and political order as it descends into a predesigned chaos is proceeding without any significant opposition as the streets of world capitals descend into a desired anarchic mobocracy in prelude to the establishment of martial law.

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