

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Death of A Nation, The End of Our Families

"Quae utilitas in sanguine meo? What profit is there in My Blood?" These words, attributed to Christ by St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, lead to some questions regarding the meaning of the Divine Immolation on calvary, the pivotal event of human history. Padre Pio goes on to say, in his pamphlet titled " The Agony of Jesus-A meditation on Our Lord's Agony in the Garden" : "I seem to hear all the laments of the Savior: Oh if at least man, for whom I am in anguish and for whom I am ready to embrace all, could only be grateful, would respond to the graces I obtain for him by My great suffering for him! If he would esteem the value of the price I pay to ransom him from the death of sin, to bestow on him the true life of the sons of God. Ah, that love which grieves My Heart more cruelly than the executioners will tear my flesh!.. Oh no! He sees man who does not know because he does not want to draw profit from it. He will even Blaspheme this Divine Blood, and more irreparable and inexcusable still, will turn It to his damnation. Only a few will profit by It, the greater number run the way of perdition" God's Wrath, Perdition, Hell, Damnation, and all such deeply troubling concepts are not much in vogue these days and, no wonder, especially so when one considers Padre Pio's closing words. The idea that the greater majority of humankind will "run the way of perdition" is simply unacceptable to the modern consciousness, and perhaps with good reason. Simply put, given those odds, you stand a strong chance of being on the losing end of that significant metaphysical equation. So why even bother? Unfortunately this is where the argument seems to end, if such speculations are even entertained from the outset, which itself is a longshot. Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow.....One of the most profound and adamant proscriptions of the Catholic Church, and for which there will never be the least compromise, was enunciated most forcefully in the papal] encyclical Humana Vitae in 1960 (?) by Paul VI. This of course was the Church's ban on any means of artificial contraception. To separate the means of procreation from its final end, human life, with the attendant "final solution" of abortion on demand, has and will always attract from the magisterium the mostabsolute anathema. Thus the battle for the human soul begins at the very source of life, at conception. This whole issue has proven a significant stumbling block for a majority of American Catholics who conveniently ignore the teaching of the magisterium, and avail themselves of the services of Planned Parenthood in ever increasing numbers. Some surveys have even suggested that the majority of "clients" for abortion services are indeed young Catholic women. And what is the obvious legacy of such widespread behavior? Nothing less than the wholesale and wanton slaughter of innocent children, and the subsequent devastation of the family. This ongoing assault on the very matrix and foundation of our human life and society is bringing an end to our families. It is bringing about the death of this nation. The recent presidential election has ushered in a regime irrevocably committed to this hellish miscreancy as well as a host of other abominations carried over from the previous gang of criminals. Remember that the depradations of that last, now reviled, regime were allowed only by the mandate of massive assent created by the national catastrophe of 911. The present regime enjoys the same widespread enthusiasm and relative unanimity of national support due to subtle and pervasive manipulations of the electorate. The political and above all military and domestic economic objectives remain the same. Another great Catholic saint and prophet Franz Jagerstatter, whose solitary witness against the Nazi state ended with his matyrdom, once had a dream "all of a sudden I saw a beautiful shining railroad train that circled around a mountain. Streams of children-and adults as well-rushed toward the train and could not be held back. I would rather not say how many adults did not join the ride. Then I heard a voice say to me: 'This train is going to hell'." Puzzled at first by this train, Jagerstatter finally concluded that it was a symbol of National Socialism. "Thus I believe God has shown me most clearly through this dream or revelation, and has convinced me in my heart how I must answer the question: should I be National Socialist--or Catholic? I would like to call out to everyone who is riding on this train: 'Jump out before the train reaches its destination, even if it costs you your life!' " So maybe we're not so far from heaven or hell as we might think. And given the readiness with which the masses throng to political messiahs whose utopian social programs conceal an agenda of death, the idea that "the greater number run the way of perdition" becomes a highly likely possibility. When the spirtiual ideals and the moral imperative born of them are discarded and swept away, the road is cleared for the logicians of political and social engineering to categorically, systematically eliminate individuals, groups, and races which pose any obstacle to the attainment of the new world utopian paradise.
"When you cease to believe in God, you'll believe in anything"-Dostoevsky

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